
Why Hispanics are considered non whites?

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Hispanics are neither a cohesive group (A person from Spain, speaks and think different than one from Argentina, or Cuba, or Central America, and all of them are different, too. Physically and mentally)

In the Spanish speaking population are blue-eyed blonds, dark hair whites, blacks, Amerindians, mulattoes, Asians, etc, so why are considered a separate Race and uniformed ethnic group?




  1. In the cultural sense, Hispanic includes all the Hispanophone (Spanish-speaking) peoples of the world. Thus in the U.S. and throughout the Americas, the majority of those with culturally Hispanic background tend to be of Amerindian, African, or multiracial descent.

    Now if you were to look at Hispanic as an ethnicity on the other hand, it would be confined to just Spaniards and people of Spanish ancestry, meaning that all full-blooded ethnic Hispanics would be white.

    So yes the majority of Hispanic Americans and Hispanic Latin Americans can be considered brown or at least non-white, but that doesn't mean one should just disregard the ancestral and cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.

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