
Who would honour Oliver Cromwell/Hitler?

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In my town in N. Ireland some people have painted a mural to honour Oliver Cromwell.

I can understand that some of the Protestant population is so racist/ethnic as to hold a genocidal maniac in honour but do they also agree with regicide (killing the monarch)?

If so it's a strange way to show "loyalty".

How long would an Adolf Hitler mural survive in Tel-Aviv?




  1. You think that's strange...there's a statue of Cromwell outside the Parliament building in London as well, when one of the things he's known for is kicking out MPs who didn't agree with him!

  2. good question and sensible response .. only bloody idiots and bigots

    Cromwell was a religious zealot .. Hitler was a race hating idiot

    the world is better off without  both of them.. in fact we would have been better off if they had not arisen .. but then I am of Irish descent and my ancestors were sent to Australia for being hungry .. so maybe I'm a little biased?

  3. The so-called "loyalists" of Northern Ireland are NOT loyal to the UK nor to the Crown.  They are "loyal" to their own genocidal ideals.  Their Orange Societies will admit former satanists but exclude former Catholics, for example.  These "Loyalists" are only loyal to the ideal of mass murder.

  4. cromwell no hitler yes  strange as it is alot of good came from the war

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