
Who engrave the dates on the tombstone?

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Who engrave the dates on the tombstone?




  1. The same people who engrave the names.

    In the old days, stonecarvers chiseled in the informatin by hand.  Now days, there are machine and acid etching techniques.

  2. Jesus

  3. UK answer.

    Here in the UK that's what we employ stone masons to do for us. A  stone mason is a crafts man that works with stone or brick to create things.

  4. Usually, the company that you bought the monument from will take care of adding any additional dates when the time comes.

  5. The headstone engravers will do the work. Sometimes, their records or the records of the cemetery will indicate who gave the *dates* for the headstone. Remember that a headstone is NOT considered a reliable source for the birth date without other sources to support it.

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