
Which is the more famous race - the Kentucky Derby or the Olympic 100-m sprint?

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Which is the more famous race - the Kentucky Derby or the Olympic 100-m sprint?




  1. 100 meter sprint. Since I was a young boy. I was always excited about watching this race. The fastest humans on this planet coming together to determine who is the fastest. Amazing event.

  2. olympic 100-m sprint. it is viewed by the whole world and also track and field is one of the events in the olympics that is highly anticipated.

    unlike the kentucky derby, which is mostly only viewed by people in the US and other horse enthusiasts.

  3. Kentucky Derby,the olympics have everyone interest at the moment,but the Derby is always there,year after year...p.s.plz note I don't approve of horse racing,have you ever saw a horse bleeding out its nose from bursting its lungs?

  4. 100 meter sprint FINALS...

    I'm gonna be cheering for mah boy Tyson g*y!

  5. The Kentucky Derby, viewed by millions of people.  The Olympics' 100-m sprint - not a single horse watch that event!   Sorry, can't resist it.

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