
Where to get these books online???? HELP PLEASE!!!!!?

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okay, so i need to read "one day in the life of ivan denisovich" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, "the color purple" by alice walker, and "a tale of two cities" by charles dickens for school and my mom returned them all to library without asking me before i finished them. now i can't get them at the library again because its closed because of this stupid hurricane watch (im in south florida) and i dont have the money to buy them.

does anyone know where i could read them on the internet or download them somewhere because i only have another week to finish them?

and please dont tell me how im such a procrastinator blah blah blah because if i read them at the begginning of the summer i would have forgotten everything that happened and failed all my tests...




  1. google books most likely has the complete texts of those books

  2. One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  3. if you have an ipod you might be able to download at least one of those books from itunes

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