
Where can i get custom airbrushing done on clothing near san francisco?

by  |  earlier

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i'm looking for a place where i can get a few words airbrushed onto a pair of shorts for an event that my friend and i are going to.

does anybody know of any good places?




  1. I used to do custom airbrushed tee shirts at local flea markets, arts and craft fairs and holiday boutiques.  I used to see plenty of competition out there at the larger events.

    San Jose has two large weekly flea markets, one on Berryessa Road, and another at the Capitol Drive In on Capitol Expressway and Monterey Road.  I know of another in Oakland, just a few exits North of the Colloseum.

    Check out these and others you may know of.  Also, look in your local phone book for custom shirt graphics.

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