
Where can I find a black scoop neck leotard that I can physically try on before purchasing?

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I have to have a black leotard, black ballet shoes, and black tights for my performance in The Wizard of Oz. It would make me feel much more comfortable if I could try it on before purchasing. Any idea of what kind of place I should go to look for these items? Thanks. =)




  1. I would go to a store that specializes in ballet and dance gear. Or I would look at a costume supply store. Since I don't know where you live I can't look a place up for you.

    In Toronto I usually go to Malabar's but there are many other stores that have this sort of thing.

  2. most internet dancewear suppliers will allow you to return the product if you are not happy with it.

    why not consider a one piece unitard / catsuit as an alternative to tights and leotard?

  3. Try using your local telephone book and look for "dancewear" stores. is also a great place to look up a business if you are in the United States.  Good luck with your performance!

  4. hills

    discount dance


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