
When i go into the Air Force???

by  |  earlier

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if i want to go into the air force as an officer what rank will i start out as?

would i start out as an airman or would i automatically be a Second Lieutenant???




  1. If you go in as an officer, you will leave boot camp as a 2nd Lt.

    If you go in as an enlisted, you will leave boot camp as an Airman Basic. (Unless you have some college then you could be E2 or E3)

  2. You will start out as a Second Lieutenant.  You will be still be considered an Airman as all people in the Air Force are as a general term like Marines are called Marines and Army guys are called soldiers and Navy guys are called Seamen.  Good Luck. You chose the best military branch!!

  3. You'd start as a second lieutenant. To be an officer you need a bachelors degree first.

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