
When can u tell when your pregnat?

by  |  earlier

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do i have to wait a month to get a home pregnacy test what about if i go to the clinic and have my blood test how long do i have to wait




  1. You should take the home test after you miss your period. Good Luck.

  2. wait till your first missed period.  holy c**p i cannot believe people still ask these questions!!!!!!!

  3. Some tests are sensitive enough to detect pregnancy as early as two to three weeks or so after conception, but not likely. Both times I was pregnant it didn't show until just under 5 weeks. It depends on how much HGH (human growth hormone ) is present in your body.  

  4. You still have to wait until you miss your period.  

  5. Until your first missed period.

  6. you need to wait untill you miss a period then you can take a test..

    good luck

  7. You can find out usually as early as one week before your missed period. I took a home pregnancy test a week early and it was accurate, just had a baby.

  8. Well wait for your missed period.

    I thought I was starting to have some sort of emotional breakdown for a couple of weeks until my sister suggested I do a test then whadda ya know I was pregnant! (I was trying for a baby for almost a year and just didn't think a few days late meant I would be, periods were always scatty for me).

    Good luck!!  

  9. 1 weeks min. for blod test

    2 weeks and 3 days for a pregnancy test.

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