
When and who decided that one minute consisted of 60 seconds, a hour was 60 minutes and one day was 24 hours?

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When and who decided that one minute consisted of 60 seconds, a hour was 60 minutes and one day was 24 hours?




  1. The period of one day was derived from the completion of one spin of the earth using probably the sun as a reference.  A twenty four hour period gives us 15 degrees per hour of rotation.  Why they picked 15 degrees as the rotation to be an hour is a good question.  Perhaps in earlier times man told time to other men using something as a reference without math.  They could have held the fist up to the horizon and said, let's do lunch when the sun god gets to 5 fists.  A fist held to the horizon may be close to 15 degrees, or the width of three fingers perhaps.

  2. The ancient Egyptians, 5000 BC or so, divided the daytime into 12 hours and the night time into 12 hours.  One hour is about how long a soldier can stand guard by himself without falling asleep, so the captain of the guards would check them every hour.   Also when men are marching, it's good to rest for a few minutes every hour.

    The ancient Babylonians ( ~3500 BC) divided the hour into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds.  They liked the number 60 for all sorts of things.

  3. Well ,do u want to change the theory?

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