
What is the salary ranges for a reporter/anchor on Fox News and CNN ?

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does anyone know what the salary ranges are for a news reporter on Fox News? anchors such as Julie Banderas, Courtney Friel, Jamie Colby, etc.




  1. Reporter's salary is more dependent on the contribution he made in terms of diggiing out facts along with the nature of organization they are working for and his past experience. Fox News is a good and reputed organization in media so you can expect a handsome amount from them I don't agree with this six or seven figures logic, as several factors combinedly contributes its share in the salary of reporter, same is the case with the anchors, when their ratings are up they can charge as per their demand and as per market rates on the other hands a down rated anchor can hardly retain its job in any organization (these comments are based on my experience and analysis of news media).

    Arsalan Mustafa

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