
What is the procedure to open a software company in India?

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I want to open a software firm in India, I donot know the way to go.




  1. If your Company is a private limited, prepare a memorandum of understanding ( MOU ) and submit the same to the Registrar of Companies.

    If yours is a Partnership Company, prepare a partnership deed.

    Get Form - 1 from your VAT Office, fill in duplicate. Attach all required documents as indicated in the annex of the form, along with photograph.

    Submit the same to your Local Vast Officer ( LVO ), along with prescribed fee. After the scrutiny, you will be issued the VAT certificate, along with 11 numbered TIN number.

    Simultaneously apply for Professional tax, remit the annual fee ( varies according to your turn over ). And for Service Tax ( if applicable ). Obtain original certificates.

    Get photocopies of all documents and keep it in " Vat file ", and display the Originals at the place of your business.

    open a current account, get all stationery like letter pads, tax invoices, seals, before applying. Of course an attractive name for your Firm.

    Maintain your books of account up to date, along with stock register. Submit your returns, every month, before the due date. Renew all registration

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