
What is the meaning of <span title="community,population,species,abiotic,detritos,heterotrophic,biotic">community,population,spec...</span>

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What is the meaning of community,population,spec...




  1. Community: all the organisms in a particular habitat at one time.

    Population: all the members of one species in a habitat at one time.

    Species: a group of individuals which do not normally interbreed with other groups/species to produce viable, fertile offspring

    Abiotic: non-living

    Detritus: Matter produced by the decay or disintegration of an organic substance

    Heterotrophic: All animals are heterotrophs.  A heterotroph is an organism that cannot synthesise its own food and is dependent on complex organic substances for nutrition

    Biotic: living

  2. Community - a group of organisms of one species living in a certain area

    Population - a group of organisms of one species living in a large area

    Species - a specific type of organism

    Abiotic - non-living

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