
What is the current mortality rate for women who give birth in a first world nation?

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What is the current mortality rate for women who give birth in a first world nation?




  1. VERY low.

  2. In the US the MMR is about 14:100,000.


    ADDENDUM TO REPORT: It's unclear to me why a very rational question is answered with "I'm not sure" or "I don't know."  These are not reasonable answers per Community Guidelines.

    If one doesn't know the answer to a question, there's no compelling reason to answer it.  Other then gaining two pathetic points and having a display that reads "Whoa! You've Just Earned 2 bloody points."  This is juvenile.

  3. US Maternal mortality rate was 13 per 100,000 births in 2004, according to

    In 2003, the WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA produced a report with statistics gathered from 2000. The world average was 400, the average for developed regions was 20, and for developing regions 440.

  4. It varies by country.  

    another source of info:

    page 23-27 lists by country

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