
What is the best way to drive interactions on my business Facebook page?

by  |  earlier

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I want to run my own facebook marketing campaigns for my online business of used product selling , I am agreed that to get more attention you have to have lot of interactions with your fans and followers. My question is that what is the best approach and which kind of content need to use to drive interaction on my business page.

Am confused that all the posts talking about my business will start my fans to be irritating and while sharing fun stuff on my brand page would not seems to be professional approach, so am looking for more profession advice for this part of the Facebook battlefield.

Your professional tips will be highly appreciate.

 Tags: business, drive, Facebook, interactions, Page



  1. To drive higher level of interactions on facebook producing good posts is the key.  you must have your goals well defined and target market sorted first, then you produce quality posts, which your target market will relate to.  make sure never to buy facebook fans, that is the sure way to have limited interactions and no return.  Building your following the right way goes a long way in properly growing on facebook.  

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