
What is the best (and cheapest) place to buy fruit and veg for a person on a low income?

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I like to eat a healthy diet but need to keep costs down. Any suggestions?




  1. I don't know if you live in the USA, but Dollar General Markets carry fresh fruits and vegetables at low prices and they come with a freshness guarantee.

  2. local farmers market

  3. Lately I've found fruit and veggies cheaper at my farmer's market. Because gas is so high, produce prices have been so high at the grocery store, but it's cheaper to buy locally.  

  4. Go to your local market you will get cheap fruit and veg it will be quality stuff aswell :)

  5. Try a local farmers market as suggested. Another idea, some of the locals may even barter with you. Buy or trade for as much as you can afford, take your veggies and fruit home and prepare them to be frozen or canned. That way, when they are plentiful and less expensive you'll have a supply that will last you hopefully for most of the winter when they can be much more expensive and have nowhere near the nutritional value or flavor as the fresh homegrown in season produce. Another thing that you can do even in a planter is grow some of your own right on your own porch for much less money, green beans, tomatoes, peas and herbs do quite well in porch planters.

  6. farmers market

  7. steal it you get a great discount that way

  8. Lidls have got a really good reputation for their fruit and veg. At good prices too and often reduced.Try shopping at the end of the day or week - you may not have as much choice then but you might get some bargains.  If you don't have Lidls near you then Aldi or Netto will probably be as good. If you can get to a town market the same applies - go just before they pack away the stalls and you can get much better deals, but farmers markets etc often have things that are not priced and although they are usually good quality they can be expensive.

  9. Lidl or Aldi

    Farmers markets are great - problems can be price but go near the end of the day for bargains to cook & freeze.

  10. A street market will offer you the cheapest prices. Farmer's markets tend to be a bit on the expensive side by comparison.

  11. Local market is the cheapest place.

  12. 5 finger discount

  13. Go to your local farmers market. Also, if you drive through the country, you will see lots of little stands by the road that sell fruits and vegetables.

  14. Try your local market that's were I get mine.

  15. Hi, I try to use local grocers as much as poss but i do appreciate how much it costs. I have found that Aldi do good deals on there fruit and veg and those not on offer can be up to 45p cheaper than sommerfield. I have also found their veg much fresher too and much of it is British. Another idea is to go to the markets at the end of the day and they sell it off cheaper esspecialy just before the week end

  16. aldi i have been told do some good stuff cheap...i tend to use the market myself

  17. Try your local farm shop and buy fruit and veg. that is in season.

  18. In the US, people on a limited income can get vouchers for food from farmers markets.

    Ask some one at a farmers market how you can get these.

  19. First choice would be your local green grocers.  They usually are the cheapest.  After that, give the farmers market a try - if you are buying things locally, and in season it will be cheaper than things being shipped across the world to the supermarket (and it will taste a heck of a lot better!)

  20. You local fruit and veg shop should do the trick.

    Also, if you ask the shop keeper if they have any out of date stock - maybe they'll give it to you for free besides they were going to chuck it out anyways. Believe you can do that!

    Also, if you want an ever cheaper alternative, try growing your own fruit and veg, you'll know it's had a great life and there wont be any nasties in there as much

  21. depending where u live but i suggest u look at sales on ur newspaper

  22. Aldi and Lidl have very good quality fruit and veg at a good price. If not go to Tescos etc late in the day and pick it up from the reduced price shelf - its fine to use for 2 or 3 days by its sell by date.

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