
What is the australian capital territory?

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What is the australian capital territory?




  1. nah

    its just that after australia was made up in 1901  Sydney and Melbourne both wanted to be top city-  so they drew up the lines of a capital territory and called it ACT

    its in NSW, so i guess sydney won hahaha just kidding

    come on people u should know all this stuff!!

  2. It is the capital of Canberra. Canberra is where Parliament House is, which is where our government parties decide the rulings on the country and it's people.

  3. It is Canberra, the place where I was born and it is cold as a witches t*t in winter.

  4. Canberra, not Sidney...

  5. Hobart! Errol Flynn's (Australia's finest 'export') birthplace.

  6. The Australian Capital Territory.   It is an area surrounding Canberra.  Canberra is an aboriginal word for "meeting place".  When Sydney and Melbourne were the only two major cities in  Australia, there were disputes about which should be Australia's capital.  They (those wonderful people, 'they'), decided to make it mid way between Sydney and Melbourne. Though it is closer to Sydney.  It is called a 'Territory' because the population is not enough to constitute a 'State'  as in the Northern Territory.

  7. It is a Territory of Australia in which the capital (Canberra) can be found.

  8. A territory in Australia.

    Canberra, the capital of Australia, is in the Australian Capital Territory.

    opening wikipedia can't be that hard dude,

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