
What is an effective, non addictive sleep medication that has little side effects?

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What is an effective, non addictive sleep medication that has little side effects?




  1. A doctor gave me antihistamine to help me sleep. I don't like it .  It gives me nightmares.

  2. ramelteon or antihistamines.

  3. You may be referring to Rozerem

  4. Benedryl!

  5. Benadryl, It comes in generic forms that are really cheap.  It is used for allergies but makes you very sleepy.  You wake up fine not too groggy. It is not addictive.

  6. The only thing you can get from a drug store that is non habit forming, has no side effects, and will not leave you groggy in the morning is melatonin. I encourage you to just read about it. It's a synthetic hormone you can buy at any drug store. It is the hormone that your brain produces to make you sleepy. Makes perfect sense, right? I take it, and I swear by it. You have to take it at the same time every night between 9 and 11 pm, depending on your bed time. I have been an insomniac for many years. I got to the point where Benadryl (dyphenhydramine), Unisom (doxylamine succinate), and even benzos like Ativan wouldn't work. These meds all make you groggy in the morning anyway because they don't allow you to reach the correct stages of your sleep cycles. If even the melatonin won't work, talk to your doctor about Lunesta or Ambien. These have some side effects, but rave reviews from most people. If all else fails, there is also a drug called Remeron that will absolutely make you sleep, BUT you will feel groggy the next day. Remember, you want something that will allow you to reach the 3rd and 4th stages of sleep. This is very important.

  7. Melatonin, assuming you can get it where you live. It is an organic chemical. Tryptophan pills will work also, but melatonin is more direct.

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