
What gave the early kings and queens their position, greed not divinity?

by  |  earlier

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as the monarchy are there to be looked up to, it stands to reason that it is my birthright to take what i want until i become so powerful that i cannot be touched. can you tell me that i am wrong?? morally this may be true, but literally, this is how the monarchy came to be.




  1. well, in a monarchy, it was your birthright to do as your father before you did. if your father was a king, then so were you. if your father was a peasent, it was Extremely hard to gain social rank, so therefore you would have all that you could forceably take

  2. the monarchs are basically the descendants of the biggest bullies who managed to overcome other bullies and rule armies who conquered land.

    using their armies they  managed to subdue their own people telling them it's for their own good.

    the priesthood joined them very quickly, knowing it will enhance their power to side with the big bully and so they invented "divine right of kingship".

    and so was born this unholy matrimony between monarchy and religion.

  3. have u ever heard in the bible about satan, he's the master of puppets, i mean, george bush, n the next president, schWARzenegger, and all of the illuminati

  4. Tradition and the population of the times.

  5. well its to do with,ia aprincipality,,ruled by aprince...a kingdom, is ruled by a king. a monachy, is ruled by a monach, aearldom, by an earl. so a country like america is ruled by a mmm..its to do with what ever people put in at the time...

  6. Walking on others..bullying. bribery and whistle up an obliging "bishop" who you have appointed to make you some street cred.

  7. Well said  have a star...

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