
What does the radio acronym HPD mean?

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I live in the Seattle, Wa area. On my scanner I hear the acronym HPD quite often. It's often used like this "Subject is a possible HPD" Or something along those lines. Anyone know what it means?




  1. unrelated, but my stepson is a Jason K and lives in the Seattle area.

    Ha.  With the name change, I know who you are now, cause its the same as on myspace.  What up J?

  2. There was a question like this a couple of months ago that I answered. Again I have to say I believe you are hearing "HBD" which means "Has Been Drinking".


    I guess it was only a month ago. Here is the link:;...

  3. lots of options

    check this page

  4. Actually, its a acronym for a sexually transmitted disease. Cops have to protect themselves too.  

  5. I think you misheard, it is likely HBD. In my city and the surrounding suburbs it means had or has been drinking. Often on domestics they will alert the officer if it sounds like the victim or offender is drunk, same with traffic.

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