
What do think of parents who relax there hcildhair or children with relax hair???hair ?

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to me i dont think it right idk why its like dying a child hair to me its just what i think




  1. i think its okay in circumstances.. there are children with veryy out of control hair  who get teased and bullied  so if it will help their child not be buiilled then i think  its fine.  

  2. I think that it is most often a scapegoat for people who are too lazy to take care of their children's scalps and hair. Relaxing is too permanent and causes too many damages. It's harmful to the health of the child's scalp, and it's done for very superficial reasons. I know some women who relax their children's hair at the age of three! Before relaxers, people had to make do with their natural hair textures and they progressed in how to take CARE of their natural hair. Now that relaxers have basically become some sort of right of passage where anyone who doesn't get it slathered on their heads is ostracized, women are opting for relaxers opposed to simply taking care of their kid's hair. Hair is nothing but dead protein, but when three year old's are forced to grit their teeth whilst waiting for the relaxer to straighten their hair...than you know things have gotten out of hand.

  3. I think it really depends on the situation. I would allow my child to have their hair relaxed professionally if they had African American or hard to deal with hair because it was so curly. I wouldn't allow them to dye it under the age of 14 or 15 though. I had to relax my hair once because suddenly it got so curly I couldn't comb it anymore so I think sometimes it's necessary.  

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