
What do i need to get a FM3??

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im 17 and wanting to go to work in Mexico. i am wanting to know what papers i will need to work in Mexico.




  1. A working FM3 is as Charlie said, a non-working FM3, mainly for retirees, you need to prove you have steady foreign income, from a pension or investments for example.

    Buying a house in Mexico and having an FM3 are completely unrelated, at least they where for me. I'm a Canadian homeowner in Mexico, when I applied for an FM3 and at no point was anyone at the consulate remotely interested in the property I own. Just things like monthly income and lack of police record.

    Perhaps you should look at Universities that have exchange programs with Mexican Universities. I've met a couple of young people that are students, enrolled in Canadian or US universities but doing a semester or more of study in Mexico.

    Their are some links below about studying abroad, they likely don't apply to you since they are mainly Canadian but just look at schools in your area, I'm sure you can find some with exchange opportunities.

    Good luck.

  2. there are many diferent ways to get it, for example if you invest money here, or bay a house, but the problem is because you are under 18 years old

  3. You are a Minor and you can not just go and get an FM3

    You may have heard that the tide is flowing the other way.

    There is no work for you there.

  4. To get an  FM3 with a work permit, you must first find an employer to hire you and he must write a letter to immigration stating he cannot find a Mexican citizen to fill the position.   He then sponsors your work visa and your visa is tied to that particular job.  You therefore must have a very special skill.  Otherwise, the employer would not NEED you and the immigration officials are not going to believe that an employer cannot find a hotel worker or a construction worker among the many unemployed people in Mexico.   It is extremely difficult for a foreign citizen who is NOT highly educated and skilled to work in Mexico.    Anyway, unskilled workers in Mexico make less than $10.00 a day, often less than $5.00 a day.  I believe you will do better for yourself to stay will definitely earn more money.

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