
What country produces the most corn?

by Guest33883  |  earlier

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What country produces the most corn?




  1. Corn, a major source of food for both humans and animals, is grown in more countries than any other crop. The versatile plant can thrive in climates as diverse as the arid desert plains of the southwestern United States and the high Andean mountain plains of Ecuador and Peru. The temperate plains of the United States provide some of the best growing conditions for corn in the world, making the U.S. the world's top corn producer.

    The majority of corn grown in the United States is "dent" corn, so called because the kernel typically forms a dent on the cap or crown at maturity. Dent corn is used for everything from livestock feed to corn syrup and sweeteners to ethanol and industrial products. Other major classifications of corn include: sweet corn, which is grown almost exclusively for human consumption; and value-enhanced corn, grown to provide specific traits or characteristics such as higher oil, starch or nutrition content.


  2. in the midwest usa because of farming

  3. The United States.

  4. the Midwest USA

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