
What color should I die my hair? pics included,?

by  |  earlier

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I feel like I don't have anything to do with my hair,

What do you think would look best.

I want to die it too.

I want something fun.




  1. maybe you could die it like a dirty blonde. it looks like it would look good on you, or idk im just thinking, what colors were you thinking?

  2. Pink or purple. Also, maybe you should try wearing Purple contacts. It look fit for you. Show me the colour you have die if possible at :)

  3. well if you what to change your color completely I would do kind of a red color

  4. Maybe get a blond streak?

    lol i got bored with my hair so thats what I'm gonna do


    help with mine plz??

  5. Don't dye it, your hair color is great. =]

    Just put some blonde streaks in it.

  6. i would give it a short fun cut! it really makes your hair look healthier and alot better. then really super long hair i also think that a brownish red color would look really cute. it would totally bring out your eyes and make u stand out but  not in a bad way the way that makes people say "wow she looks great!" hope that helps!

  7. color it a dark golden brown with caramel highlights !!

  8. You should try to do the whole jessica alba color its really subtle and not to harsh.  

  9. det some blue streaks or red highlights

  10. you should dye the bottom layer of your hair purple or something.  and then you should get a ton of short choppy layers and blunt bangs across your face.  it will look hella cute!

  11. u shuold put carmel highlights in it.

    like this....

    thats me hhaah but i had the same color hair as you

    and now since i highlighted it. il ove it=D

  12. red streaks would look good on you

  13. I like it, your really cute

  14. I think bright red chunks or blonde chunks would look good

  15. u could mabye make it a light blonde caus eit would match ur skin tone

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