
What causes sun tan?

by Guest371  |  earlier

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  1. what does sun screen do

  2. what causes sun tans

  3. a sun tan is caused by the sun as you know.
    the sun triggers the particle in your arm causing them to vibrate, the vibration of the particle are what make you feel hot and sweaty.if you do not feel hot and sweaty, you do not tan. so if you arent hot ad sweaty, i wouldnt bother putting sun cream on if i was you, and i wouldnt get the expensive suncream tescos value suncream is far better (=

  4. when the sun hits your arm the particles from the sun rays hit and react too the pilgrims in your skin and creates a molicular arration and creates a tan.

  5. when the sun hits your arm the particles from the sun rays hit and react too the pilgrims in your skin and creates a molicular arration and creates a tan.

  6. im talkin to you babe.

  7. im talkin to you.

  8. Im 14years old and I got taned o bad i had it for a month or two and im always in the sun how can i get rid of it. its summer and i dont feel right cuz my arms are different colors and my friends arent what do i do.
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