
What are the advantages to the british by having such a huge empire?

by  |  earlier

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ohhh and the disadvantages would be good too :)




  1. I want to know the british point of view!

  2. In those back days it was not only about the huge empire. Things are all together in a different scenario. The hugeness reflects a power sign to the rest of the empires of the World. Before the UK empire there were different time periods in which many other different nations like Persian empire also adopted the same strategies to rule the World.
    The basic goal behind the enlargement of empire was to gain more and more resources which were laying vacant in the World at that time.
    When UK empire flourished some other countries also followed them like France were also among the strong empires of that time along with many other from Arabs.

  3. your mums so fat she had her wedding pic took on google earth

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