
What are some traditional German children games ?

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I need info for my daughter's brownie troop.




  1. Koffer packen --- packing a suitcase.

    The children are sitting in a circle and the first starts : " I pack my suitcase and put a book inside." then the next has to reapeat all and adds a new part, the next has to repeat all and adds the next and so on.  When someone forgets a thing is out, Wone has the last, getting a sweet.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  2. Topfschlagen


    one child is blindfold and tries to find a cooking pot hidden somewhere in the room. he may use a wooden spoon to determine if an object is the pot. the other children help him by shouting "hot" or "cold" to indicate if he is near or far from the pot. under the pot he finds a piece of chocolate as reward.



  3. Sing some german folk songs. Like: der hahn ist tote, my hat has 3 corners (in German), The hiking song (in german).

  4. Verstecken (hide and seek)

    Fangen (chase or catch) one is the chaser, all the others are fleeing from him/her. Once the chaser gets a person (touches the other person so they feel they have been touched), the touched person becomes the chaser and so on and so on. Gets them tired and usually stops when everybody is too much done in to go on.

    A gruesome "Game" I remember from lots of kids parties I went to: "Stopessen". (basically means: stop eating)

    It's played during dinner at birthday parties, and there are several commands that the boss (in most cases the birthday-kid) can say, e.g.:

    stop: Everybody has to stop doing what they are doing and freeze (makes for pretty good messes with the coke bottle, the ketchup bottle, ...)

    repeat: everybody has to repeat the last move they just made over and over and over

    fast forward: everybody has to really eat as fast as they can

    slow motion: everybody eats as slow as possible

    and so on and so on, until the boss says: go on, and everybody can go on eating the way they would normally do. It's a horrible thing to clean up after, but the kids get a kick out of it. Don't know why.

    Have fun with the girls!

  5. The games primarily depend on the age of the children and the location you choose.

    One great party game is called "Chocolate Eating" and is pretty simple you just need some tools.

    Primary goal is to eat as much as possible of a bar of chocolate, but there are some obstacles.

    Items needed:

    Bar of chocolate


    strong ribbon





    knife and fork (and these have to be used the European way, knife right hand, fork left hand)


    -wrap chocolate in several layers of newspaper and secure with ribbon

    -place in the middle of the table

    -all girls should be able to sit around this table

    - every girl gets to roll the dice once (agree on who starts and follow around the table clockwise)

    - a six is the winning number

    - now this girl has to start to dress up with the hat, scarf and mittens, grab knife and fork and start unpacking the chocolate

    - in the meantime all other girls continue to roll the dice, meaning that as soon as the next one rolls a six this one takes away the hat and other items from the prior girl and starts over again

    - the game continues until the chocolate has been eaten

    The game normally gets pretty frantic and silly, but is loads of fun.


  6. abby   addal   alarc   alessa   aliza   enno   erma   giomar    marra

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