
What are some good books for teenage girls?

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What books do you recommend that you've or another teenage girl (like 13 or 14) has read? (Fiction please!)




  1. The Harry Potter series is /amazing!/ You will surely love it! It has a little bit of everything: adventure, humor, romance, sadness.

    The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series is wonderful!

  2. Haha

    Twilight is a very good series. (I like Emmett myself)

    I liked The Immortal Series by Tamora Peirce and Skullduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. Any book by Tamora peirce is good. Another good author is Ellen Schreiber of the Vampire Kisses series. Blood and Chocolate was a good book as well.  

  3. Oooh I love question's like these!

    1. Twilight Saga (If you haven't read them you so should, cause they rock!)

    2. Girl 15 Charming, But Insane (Absolutely hilarious. It's a series and I'm not sure exactly what order to read them in but Sue Limb is the author if you want to look it up.)

    3. Bloody Jack (My personal fave.)

    4. Maximum Ride (Excellent fast paced edge of your seat kind of story. First book is The Angel Experiment.)

    5. How I Live Now (Kind of sad but very enjoyable.)

    6. The Boyfriend List (One of those teen books that you just can't seem to put down.)

    7. I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You (teen girl that kicks butt book!)

    I think I should probably stop there! :D

  4. Books by Judy Blume.  Enjoy!

  5. Alice Series by Phyllis Reynold Naylor

    Keeping the moon by Sarah Dessen

    Just Listen by Sarah dessen

    Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen

    Flush by Carl hiaasen

    hoot by carl hiaasen

  6. TWILIGHT!!!!!


  7. Twilight Series

    Clique Series

    Pretty Little Liars

    Private Series

    Anything by Sarah Dessen

  8. o my gosh you have to read the twilight saga!!!! There the BEST BOOKS EVER!!!!!! :D


    trust me you'll love them!!


    sisterhood of the traveling pants (?)

    a great and terrible beauty

    i always loved harry potter

  10. Maximum Ride by James Patterson is a great book.  It's about kids that are only 98% human and they were created in a SCHOOL by evil scientists that built them with wings.   They escaped from the school and the scientists don't want anyone to know they exist.  The scientists could go to any length to get them back.  Stay away from the other books that he wrote outside of the series - they are not childproof!

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