
What Is <span title="Life??????????????????????????">Life?????????????????????...</span>

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What do you think life is?




  1. Erwin Schrodinger wrote a small book with that title about 60 years ago. It had a profound effect on the course of biology. It&#039;s a good, and not difficult, read.

  2. my kids.

  3. It is out of reach of human mind. It is the reason God himself answered it to solve humans major question. The man can never define it and could not ever since his creation. Therefore refer to holy books the best and all truth is Holy Quran, whose protection responsibility is taken by God Himself and no word has ever added or subtracted out of it since its Revelation 1400 years ago.


  4. is everything while we are still alive

  5. Life is everything we beings perceive as alive

  6. Self-replicating molecular structures. Very crafty ones, to boot.

  7. an opinion

  8. i think it is for us to enjoy

  9. Seen in Mark Prophet&#039;s &quot;The Path of the Higher Self,&quot; it is a process of overcoming and mastery, leading to what is given in &quot;Dossier on the Ascension,&quot; Serapis Bey, &quot;Men in White Apparel,&quot; Ann Ree Colton, &quot;Freakonomics,&quot; S. Levitt, &quot;The True Story of the Bilderberger Group,&quot; Daniel Estulin, &quot;Testimony of Light,&quot; Helen Greaves, &quot;The Great Divorce,&quot; C. S. Lewis, and many other good works.

  10. Life is situation you are forced to experience spent solving problems you didn&#039;t create but for which you are expected to accept blame.  And if you, once you develop the mental capacity, decide you don&#039;t want to experience it any longer, people call you crazy.  Ironic, isn&#039;t it?

  11. it is meaning.

  12. living

  13. Life is asking a lot of questions that will, as far as you know, never be answered.

  14. Which one is your question? The English words &amp; sentence? Or the &quot;?&quot; marks?

    Truly speaking, life is ????????????????????, got it?

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