
What's the ratio of damage done by the poison effect in the pokemon games

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to figure out the ratio of damage done to yours or your opponents pokemon each turn or each step when said pokemon has been poisoned. Does anyone know this ratio or know where I am likely to find such information? Thanks




  1. • A regular poisoned Pokémon loses 1/8th Max HP every turn. Every four steps, the poisoned Pokémon loses 1 HP until there's only 1 HP remaining.

    • A badly poisoned Pokémon loses 1/16th Max HP on the first turn. However, 1/16th is added every turn. So on the second turn, the badly poisoned Pokémon loses 2/16th, then 3/16th and so on. As you may know, when you switch that Pokémon, it starts from 1/16th again.

  2. well every time u are poised u loss 5 hp's  

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