
What's the best and cheapest airline to take from Saigon/HCMC Vietnam to Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) Cambodia?

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I'm travelling with my friends from Saigon to Siem Reap. What are the cheap airlines flying from Saigon to Siem Reap? I can't seem to contact Khmer Royal Airlines ..are there other options that's as cheap, if not cheaper? Our budget for one-way travel is USD90-100.

We prefer to travel by plane because of our limited travel time.

If we consider taking a TRAIN - what's the fastest one? Can we take it overnight and just sleep on the train (ex. leave Saigon at 9pm so that we're in Siem Reap by 6am)?

Appreciate any help!




  1. Vietnam air is the only flight to Siem Reap from Vietnam.  However,  Most people take the bus from Saigon to Phonm Phen.  Its an easy ride and they take care of your Visa at the border etc.  You get into PP at about 3:30 in the after noon.  Lots of flights or busses in PP will get you to where you want to be.  its an easy trip either way.  

  2. 1. There are no trains from Vietnam to Cambodia. There is train in Cambodia, but it's not popular even among Cambodians.

    2. Currently there is only one carrier operating between HCMC and Siem Reap, that's Vietnam Airlines. Contact +84 8 832 0320 for the price. There are about 12 flights a day, so don't worry of booking for it.

    3. The cheapest way i've ever taken is taking a BUS, i mean, an Opentour bus from Saigon to Siem Reap. The trip from Saigon to Phnom Penh takes about 4 hours, then you'll arrive in Siem Reap before dark. I think you can manage the one-way trip with about 22 USD excluding Cambodian visa.

    Have fun!

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