
Weed smoke around children?

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My in laws are chronic weed smokers and everytime we take the kids over there they don't seem to care to tuck it away for a few hours when we come over (which isn't very often). They smoke it in the house and just recently we went to visit them due to us having our son who was only a three weeks old at the time and I thought his mom would of had enough respect not to smoke while I was sitting down holding my baby only three feet away from her. We were sitting outside but I still think it was very rude. Should I just not come around anymore? Just let my husband go over there by himself if he wants to visit his parents? They smoke it in the house but make people that smoke ciggerettes go outside. Isn't that hypocritical?




  1. If we only talk about smoking in general, regardless of what, is not good for the human body. In addition to smoking the secondary smoke of course is very bad for others around you specially the children who are to much sensitive. So all of that said this means smoking weed near kids is like having an intercourse right in-front of a child. We are all fans of smoking the stuff but we need to make sure we are harming ourselves out of choice and no one else is being harmed by the smoke we inhale out because it is never good for health of normal people living around you or sitting around you.

    If you cannot stop your self from smoking weed then you need to focus about the places where there would not be any presence of children. That would be the safest place to smoke weed.

    And at the end I just like to advise all who smoke drugs that draw colors out from life instead of smoking it out.

  2. Lets not forget that smoking in general, regadless of what, is not good for the human body. In addition secondary smoke of course is very bad for others around you. So all of that said this means smoking weed near kids is a no no. We are all fans of smoking the stuff but we need to make sure we are harming ourselves out of choice.

  3. Weed is not bad, it is illegal for not very logical reasons. Even though I believe that there should be an age limit.
    However it is not right to expose young children to it for a number of reasons.
    Wait until thier bodies fully develop, than they can use a vaporizer or some other method to get high, which I recommend!

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