
Ways to foster sustainable environmental changes?

by Guest63771  |  earlier

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-I mean it generally. Like how you can save gas and not give out too much clorofluorocarbon by turning your air-cons down when you're not using and stuff like that.

It's for an essay for school. I need some ideas to work with. Help would be much appreciated!




  1. drink beer, eat been, then use the gas fro your...... to create power

    plant plants in a suitable manor to create air flow thou a house esp in summer to allow air flow,

    reuse what you can

    walk or bike places

  2. Reuse and recycle; buy only things made locally (all things); grow your own food; eliminate your need for any petroleum based products (including gasoline, jellies and plastics;) If you can't fix it, grow it, or reuse it get rid of it; only use items that can be grown in your lifetime.

    Basically, if it was invented since WWII, it is not sustainable. If you have to rely on foreign production it is not sustainable. If they didn't have the means to have whatever product you are looking at in the 1930's, it is not sustainable. If you cannot grow something to replace the item you are using within your lifetime, it is not sustainable. If it take more energy, water and time to create a replacement for your item than your item can create, it is not sustainable.

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