
Ways that Americans participate in government?

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Participating in government is essential to the proper functioning of American democracy. What are three ways that Americans participate in their government and what are the specific effects of this participation?




  1. Josh M has wonderful ideas and I can add.  Americans largest contribution is in "taxes", amount we pay each year.  Effects of a strong "tax" base are obvious.  "Disturbing", citizens not in support of our military, they have the "guts" to voice opinions against, BUT, they DO support with their taxes paid.  They have NO areas of "debate" because of their continuation paying "taxes".

    Military personnel in support of OUR safety, security, OUR FREEDOM.

    Civic and/or community activity.  Government sponsored programs allow communities to help those in need, establish good relations with citizens, "funds" to support community projects.  OUR government may fund these programs and depend on local citizens to volunteer in support.

  2. Elections, campaigning, donating money to candidates, writing representatives and senators, ext.

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