
Was USSR a country?

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Was USSR a country?




  1. "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (also known as the Soviet Union or USSR for short) consisted of Russia and surrounding countries that today make up Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

    The USSR was founded in 1924, seven years after the Russian Revolution overthrew the monarchy of the czar, and was dissolved in late 1991."

  2. Yes, the USSR is the former Soviet Union which is now the Russian Republic, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Uzbekistan and others.

  3. The USSR was an empire.

    The Russians (a so called "Slavic" people from Eastern Europe, gradually moved further east across the Eurasian landmass (i.e. out of Europe, and into Asia), gaining political and military control as they went.

    This began to happen long before communism came on the scene (i.e. when Russia was a feudal, ethnic nation).

    After the communist revolution in the early 1900s, the Russian empire, became the USSR. This meant that, in theory at least, the state was no longer controled by a dominate ethnic group (i.e. Russians of European/Slavic ancestry), but became subject to the rules put forward by Marx and Engles (the founders of communism).

    Communism basically entails the belief that all men (and women) whatever their "race", ethnicity, culture, background etc. should have equal power, and equal resonsibilities to the economy and welfare of their state. Communism also entails the equal division of resources, and wealth, and the communal production of food, and other items.

    While many of the people who revolted against the ethnic/nationalistic Russian empire (which existed prior to the USSR) were undoutably well-meaning, and intended to foster equality amond all the people ruled over from Mosco, the USSR in practise caused much suffering to many of the peoples under its control, as many were forced to give up their original cultures and lands, often on pain of death.

    Just shows how even well intentioned ideologies can have terrible consequences.

  4. The USSR was formerly the Unites soviet states of Russia. This comprised the country of Russia and its satellite countries. When Communism ceased as we knew it, then it reverted to just Russia.

  5. NO, it was a group of countries. They basically had their control from Moscow, Russia through puppet governments in the other countries.
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