

by  |  earlier

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I gave a ******** but there was no ejaculation

I participated in frottage (genital to genital grinding)

got a flu a week later, then a yeast infection, then a lump behind my ear. Tested negative at 24 days post exposure. Now I see a tiny pin point size blood red dot on my stomach.....COULD I HAVE HIV?? ???? AM I AT RISK?????????????????????????




  1. accaca

  2. There is NO risk at all. You have to have unprotected penetrative s*x in order to to become infected. So since this has not happened there is no way you could be infected.

    If you are so concerned about HIV infection, please find a local Community AIDS Service organization who does educational lectures

    you could benefit. Knowledge is power.

  3. I don't know specifically how at risk you are for HIV, but I strongly suggest you get yourself checked out. It could be something else that is still very serious.  

  4. Did this person have HIV? You can test negative for over 6 months and still have HIV.. so there is no way of knowing for sure for quite some time. Better to have safe s*x.. you're learning the hard way.


    You seem quite uneducated on s*x. Just because there was not penetration does not mean that you didn't have another form of s*x. Oral s*x is still very much considered s*x and a condom should be used. Get some education.

  5. no but you should check with your doctor.

  6. so from my don't care if you could of contracted any other infection. you know HIV isn't the only std??

  7. idk but weed help u out if u do

    no im not f*ckin playin im 4 real if u dont know that then ur just dumb or never care if weed was legal or not

  8. If your having s*x, and you don't know what your partners "background" is, then you ARE at risk.

    You need to see a doctor.  The HIV test should be repeated every 3-6 months.

  9. No I doubt you have HIV don't listen to these people on here..The window period for HIV testing is 3 months..1% of people with HIV take 6 months to test positive and thats because they have another serious illness that's suppressing their immune system. HIV is rarely if ever passed through oral s*x. Check medhelp forums on HIV they are actual doctors and will answer your questions better. Most of these people just don't know what they are talking about

  10. my advice to you get to the fu*king doctor  

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