
Volleyball Cheers/Songs?

by  |  earlier

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my volleyball team doesnt have a cheer for before the games. and the girls are very picky about songs/cheers. so if anyone has any cool ones that can get us fired up that dont have us saying individual lines like: my name is ___. (if anyone knows one to the crank that dance that would be like amazing cuz we were looking for it)

thank you in advance to anyone to answers! :)




  1. okay so my team for a kill goes ahhhhhh beast and whoever got the kill stays standing while the rest of the team fall on the floor :) its fun and outs more atetion on the amazing hitter

  2. do your thing lady cubs lets got will you bump set hit it for us girls get low if the coaches taught it to us lady cubs let it show will you bumpset hit it for us maybe we can roll! ( to the song pop lock and drop it )

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