
Vfk Quest Answers Second Epic Fairy Quest Answers?

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I need the answers to the second vfk epic fairy quest! Please! Thank you!




  1. 1. Snake

    2. Go to the Map and say "Welcome aboard the Firedrake"

    3. Dragoon

    4. Go to the cave next to Ned Kelly's hideout (Australia) and say "Hey, dragon, are you in there?"

    5. Beowulf

    6. Go to the Map and say "You are a very good dragon!"

    7. That he should come to the kingdom

    8. Go to the Castle Gate (Medieval) and say "to the terror of the heathen beyond the sea."

    9. A dragon

    10. Go to Merlin's Magic Square and say. "I want to be small and invisible, please."

    For future reference, there is a Spoiler section at

  2. 1. Snake

    2. Go to the Map and say "Welcome aboard the Firedrake"

    3. Dragoon

    4. Go to the cave next to Ned Kelly's hideout (Australia) and say "Hey, dragon, are you in there?"

    5. Beowulf

    6. Go to the Map and say "You are a very good dragon!"

    7. That he should come to the kingdom

    8. Go to the Castle Gate (Medieval) and say "to the terror of the heathen beyond the sea."

    9. A dragon

    10. Go to Merlin's Magic Square and say. "I want to be small and invisible, please."

    I Hope This Helps!

    It Took Me A Ling Time To Remember It!

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