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ok i have had these birds for about two weeks and here are some questions Go to the website before answering...

what type of birds are they?

What should i feed them?

How many times a week i should clean their cage?

How much money to take them to the Vet?

How can i reduce the fighting?

What is the best cage size for them?

Any more things i need to know also please let me know!!




  1. these birds look like budgies to me I don't understand what you mean by reduce the fighting,because if they are fighting and that is the cause of the injury don't put them together,the Size of the cage seems fine,but the picture seems like they are both the same bird,almost resembles a parakeet,You should go get food for a small bird ,vet is usually $60. just to walk in the door they need treat sticks toys,etc... how is it you came upon these birds and if they aren't fighting with each other then keep them together in the cage the Size you showed and that should be fine.Get several types of food,not just a seed based food,get some kind of pellet based diet which will be healthier. Good luck to you and the birds.

  2. looks like a parakeet

    Healthy Food for your Parakeet

    So while parakeet seed is ONE part of what a parakeet's diet should have in it, it is definitely not ALL, and a parakeet raised solely on parakeet seed will have some form of malnutrition. Even the fortified seeds you find in stores are usually fortified with a powder sprinkled on the outside of the seed. Since a parakeet hulls its seeds before eating them, leaving behind that outer shell, the fortification does little good.

    The Association of Avian Veterinarians recommends the following diet for a parakeet:

    50% cooked beans, whole wheat bread, cooked rice, pasta, and seed

    45% fresh broccoli, carrots, yams, spinach, dandelion greens, other green/orange fruits and veggies

    5% eggs, tuna packed in water, well cooked meat

    Parakeets are lactose-intolerant and cannot eat a lot of dairy product. Also, parakeets are HIGHLY allergic to chocolate and avocados and should never be given either. Junk food such as pretzles, potato chips, etc. aren't good for a parakeet either! You can feed a parakeet fresh fruit such as apples and cherries, but be careful about the seeds as those have toxins in them. Lettuce is fine, but it really has no nutrients in it. It's better to give them other, healthier greens.

    Parakeets do NOT overeat. If anything, people tend to give them too little food, thinking a seed cup is full when really it's just full of the hulls of the seeds the parakeet has already eaten. Be sure to refill your parakeet's food supply daily and to give him or her lots of fresh foods too.

    Just like most people feed their cats and dogs "kibble" (processed pellets) instead of their natural foods (rabbits, rats, etc.) some people also feed their parakeets "kibble". The kibble is nutritionally balanced and a great way to meet all of the parakeet's food requirements easily. Some parakeets love kibble, others are convinced they want to eat "real food". Whichever way you go, be sure to give your parakeet a diet that is balanced and healthy.

    You'll find millet in many pet stores. This is very high in fat and is a treat for parakeets. It should only be fed to them occasionally. Parakeets in the wild certainly did not have millet year-round!

    at least once a week

    they shouldnt need to go to the vet alot

    2 cages or nueter or spay

    very tall

  3. They look like miniature conures.  I have a Dusty Conure which is a version of the miniatures.  This website will give you different pictures of different conure varieties:

    I clean Kiwi's cage twice a week, and keep cockatiele seed for her to eat.  She loves to bath a lot so I have a dog bowl on her cage big enough for her to swim and splash in.  She loves to eat fresh corn on the cob, bananas, fruit, rice and pasta.  It is important to keep other foods available besides seed.  

    I'd get a large parrot sized cage, the more room they have the less fighting. I would definatly take them to an aviary vet to determine their s*x as if they are both female or both males will answer why they are fighting alot.  

    This is the size cage I have:  You will also need to get a happy hut as conures like to sleep inside a little tent.

    Change the water daily and give them bird vitamins.  I would not clip their wings as it is important that they exercise their wings.

    Conures and parrots in general are very social creatures.  If you want your birds to bond with you, you need to keep them apart, otherwise they will bond with one another.

    For more information, view this website:

  4. They some type of Parakeet, but not sure what kind.

    Where did you get them? Pellets or seeds from the pet store are best to ffed them along with some fresh veggies. Do NOT feed them any avacado, chocolate, onions, or caffeine, it can and will kill them.

    It really depends what all the vet has to do for them. If everything is okay and it basically just a well check, then around $100 or less. If she has to treat them in anyway, then you are looking at over $100.

    If they are fighting too much you may have to house them in separate cages.

    Nothing smaller than 24x18x18, I hope I wrote them in the correct order. You want both of them to be able to stretch out their wings without hitting the cage.

    They need fresh water daily, toys, perches, and cuttlebone.

    Also, do not place them in front of the air conditioner vent.

    Do not burn candles in the room where they are at, use chemicals (such as bleach), or let cooking pans  made of teflon get over heated.

    Cover them at night. Clean their cage at least once a week, if it gets too dirty then clean it more than once. Usually, once a week is fine. If have any more questions feel free to email. I hope I helped.

  5. first of all what r you doing with birds that u have no idea how to care for?   im only a beginner myself what they eat depends on the breed ie: some birds need table food along with their bird seed etc.. if u put newspaper in the bottom of the cage u should only have to change it once a week...bird droppings have no odor...size of cage depends on the type of bird,,,BOTTOMLINE......IF U R SERIOUS ABOUT KEEPING THESE BIRDS U NEED TO TAKE THEM TO THE VET AND FIND OUT WHAT TO FEED THEM ETC....SIZE OF CAGE ETC...THEY WILL BE ABLE TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS BIRDS NEED ALOT OF ATTENTION

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