
Trouble for selling images from the internet?

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I was just wondering can you get in trouble for getting images you found from the internet, printing them into posters and selling them on ebay or sort of sites? Does ebay allow you to sell these images? I see alot of posters that have been printed in like china and such that they are selling. If i were to sell them who would come after me and such? or would ebay just simply remove my postings?




  1. Even if China is doing it, they are stealing from artists.  It is against the law to take other people's art and sell them on eBay.  If the artist finds their work on posters and such, they can get you through eBay and you can get into alot of trouble from it.

  2. Yes this is definitely illegal.  It is essentially theft.  If the original artist/photographer or whatever found out you were selling their images without permission they could & probably would, sue you for copyright infringement.  Also many of the images you find online are copy protected.  They will either not print clearly when enlarged or they may print with the words "copy" all over them.    

  3. Yes, thats illegal and copyright infringement. I'm constantly going after people for stealing my artist's images. Best to not do that...

  4. ya im pretty sure that is illegal but **** it  everything in this world is illegal now

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