
Thinking of gap year in australia! but nervous about traveling alone! any advice welcome!?

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Thinking of gap year in australia! but nervous about traveling alone! any advice welcome!?




  1. I dont know if your a girl or not but if you are then you should try and get a copy of 'The Girlo Travel Survival Kit'... its directed at younger girls esp when theyre travelling alone and for the first time. However, if your not a girl then I still think the book would be a good read (maybe see if your local library has it). There are also lots of great websites and books out there about gap years so definately check those out.

    Good luck!

  2. Australia is a safe country to travel in if you don't take unnecessary risks like hitchhiking (don't even consider it) or moving around dodgy locations alone at night, but that's simple commonsense. Many young people (male and female) come here by themselves, meet up with other singles and groups in backpacker hostels and have a wonderful and safe time. People are friendly and welcoming to visitors and as long as you take reasonable care, there will be nothing to worry about. To be on the safe side, always make sure someone knows who you're with and where you're going, but again, that's just commonsense.

    Come and visit and have a great time!

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