
The healer needs healing,can you help?

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I have tried every healing modality in my little

black book, but cannot seem to heal myself.

My Pharynx has been burning and very sore

for about 2 months. I am out of therapies and I won't go to an MD and get a steroid.

Would appreciate any ideas.




  1. Have you tried Thymic Formula it will build up your immune system were your body can fight what ever is wrong with you and another is  wild oregonal oil it is suppose to build up your immune system too!

  2. take crystal meth

  3. Have you tried coloidal silver spray?

  4. I suggest you try Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence to start with and add Bottlebrush for more pain relief.  It is not a drug so it is not suppressive.  You can mix the drops in any not smelly hand cream to put on the throat for extra relief, though they do sell a cream.  IT is very useful for many things though and worth buy the Emergency Essence stock bottle.

    Bush Fuchsia for any throat problem might also be needed if the above does not work well enough

    Australian Bush Flower Essences is the best healing system I have tried.  I  have taken courses in it and use it in my practice.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  5. When you say your pharynx has been burning, I have to wonder why. Two possibilities that come to mind are that you have a sore throat due to an external pathogenic invasion (like a cold or a virus). The other is that you are suffering with severe reflux. My guess is that this is a pathogen, or you would have mentioned other symptoms of GERD.

    Have you tried going to a licensed acupuncturist? If your immune system is so weak that you have this chronic condition, it is very helpful working with a natural healer with a system of diagnosis and treatment.

  6. Yp have tried fasting, chainging diet drastically, to only include all antural healthy foods. Got fresh air, sweated out in a dry sauna or sweat lodge. Also maybe your water supply is bad and you should drink steam distilled water. Also drink 64 ounces a day minimum and multiply bodyweigth by .65 and drink this may ounces a day for good measure. This is a good indicator of around how much you should drink. If you've done all that and thaken whatever herbs you know of than you may wnat to get checked out just to pinpoint problem, than take care of it.

  7. I suggest a lymph drainage massage. There are a few massage therapists out there that know how to do it. It gets swelling down and helps with pain almost immediately and it speeds you entire immune system up. I'm not saying it will cure you but you could give it a try! You might be able to find a therapist in your area at Good luck and best wishes!

  8. You could look into MMS (miracle mineral solution). Worked very well for me.

  9. As a healer I find it difficult to heal myself of certain things.  Working with others... I'm fine.  I prefer to have another healer work on me for better results.  Have you tried this?  Perhaps find someone else to do some Reiki on you?

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