
The Indus Valley Civilization specialized in?

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a) town plannin

b) architecture

c) craftsmanship

d) all these




  1. The Indus Valley Civilization, also called the Indus Ghaggar-Hakra Civilization, is best known for the strict placement of buildings within cities (the "Citadel" and the "Lower Town" regions).  Based upon this, the answer would be a) Town planning.

    However, they also made a major architectural advancement with the idea of using standard brick (of relative dimensions 1 X 2 X 4), which allowed for Architecture to be designed in advance of the actual building of the structures.  This is what made the planning easy.

    In addition, the craftsmanship of terracotta items, copper and bronze tools and carnelian (stone) beads (including some called microbeads) was unsurpassed by any civilization of that time period.

    As a consequence, it sounds like d) All of these, might be the best answer.

  2. Town planning. Their architecture was very serviceable brick, but nothing flashy. No grand buildings or anything.

  3. Dee...

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