
Telling my parents im transgendered?

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Hi, I am a 14 year old boy an i love girls stuff. Clothes, makeup, shaving, all of it. i told my parents yesterday, that i wanted a s*x change when i got of age. They said "Ok......umm i don't know what to say....." Ik they accept it but they like don't want me too and i am afraid if i got a s*x change they won't love me anymore?? What do i do?




  1. If they didn't go freak about it I don't think you'll have to worry about them not loving you. It might just be because its still new to some people and they're getting use to it. When they were growing up it was unheard of.

  2. I don't think they don't love you. I think they're very worried that you'll be discriminated and shunned by society. Trannies by far the least respected members of the GBLT spectrum, unfortunately. Trannies are people too!

  3. They love you hon, trust me on this. They are just afraid for you because there is so much discrimination in this world.

    You're 14. You have lots of time to think about being transsexual (transgendered is a more general term, transsexual is more specific).

    Read up on as much stuff as you can on transsexualism and ask your parents if you can see a therapist who is a gender specialist.

    I know the other answerer meant well, but try and stay away from labels like "tranny", "s*****e", "t-girl" and other words like that. It's degrating and only devalues your purpose and identity.

  4. Wow, congratualtions for figuring yourself out at such a young age and it's good to hear you have kinda already "prepped" them for this kind of thing. It sounds to me like your parents are going to be just fine with you because it sounds like they love you!!

    You are really pulling at my heartstrings, hon. Don't be afraid, you have been so brave so far, why be any different now?

    Show them how much better the girl accessories make you feel. Don't be afraid to show them your pain and your joy.

    Try to get your hands on a copy of the book "True Selves". It's a wonderful book for friends and family when you are starting to come out.

    Never sacrifice who you are. You are beautiful.

  5. hon for the next 4 years just keep searching your soul to learn who you are. trust me i know how you feel and things will get worse before they will get better. they will get better i promise because you won't be 14 forever and you will be able to live the way you feel inside. now im not a expert but in my opinion the two biggest pit falls for people like us is employment and relationships, so please get a GOOD education and always have an open heart and mind when it comes to loves. love does hurt and it is kicking my a88 right now but ill be ok and so will you.

  6. Firstoff ignore that first answer

    Your parents love you, they are just confused and don't know what to do. It's still sinking in. They'll probably have a long talk with you in a day or two.

    They probably are afraid for you. They don't want you to go through a hard life. Transgender people do face a lot of discrimination and dating will be difficult. That being said, it is still much better transitioning to female than living a lie.

    Hopefully, if they are as accepting as  you say they are, they will probably look for a gender therapist to help you sort things out and possibly begin transitioning.

  7. Well trust me sweetheart, you got a better coming out to the parents than some people....

    Here's what I learnt from being disowned, stuck in sham therapy, and forced back into my closet by my parents: They'll still love you in the end.

    Mine just didn't know what to do to make me "normal", and they didn't know how to accept me for who I am. Now I'm happily transitioning and have the full support of my entire extended family.  Yup, even my parents who are now a little wiser.

    Just make sure you're communicating your needs as maturely as you can. Make sure you know enough about what you're going to go through so you can help your parents to not feel afraid of the change.

    *hugs!* You'll do okay!

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