
Summary of bantugan?

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  1. The story goes that Bantugan, the younger brother of the king of Bembaran is such a fine, notable, and handsome fighter that all the princesses around the kingdom adore him. This makes the king jealous, so he drives Bantugan into exile. As he wanders about, Bantugan becomes morally sick; he dies in the home of Datimbang, the prettiest princess in all the-Land-Between-Two-Seas. The following selection tells of Bantugan's death and the remarkable events that follow it. (First published in Philippine Public Schools, Vol.3, No.8, Nov. 1930)

  2. ewan

  3. bantugan is an epic story told in a great oral tradition of maranaw tribe. it is story about the great prince bantugan, the greatest warrior of the kingdom of bantugan

  4. sdasdasdasdasda

  5. d ko nga alam eh.......

    pki sagot mu nga.....


  6. summary of bantugan?

  7. summary of bantugan
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