
Slow Growing Landscpaing Plants VS Fast Growing?

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why slower growing landscape plants are sometimes a better choice than faster growing varieties.




  1. Sometimes depends on your needs, but slower plants tend to be more compact, are easier to maintain. Tend to mature at a smaller size, fitting into smaller places. Tend to need less pruning. They tend to have a stronger habit , denser wood. Wood tends to be stronger and less brittle, less likely to break in storms.

    Slower plants tend to use less water and possible nutrients than faster ones. May not require staking. Are easier to transplant - sometimes.


  2. And slower growing plants are less likely to become invasive and take over your whole garden/neighborhood/town/state.

  3. Fast growing plants are great to start with but then usually need trimming more regularly to keep then neat in a domestic situation.  if you use them for hedging such as Lonicera than you will be pruning once a fortnight once they are established to keep them neat.  Also many plants plants that are quick growing are also quick to reach maturity and die.

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