
Skinny jeans or slim boot-cut?

by  |  earlier

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I'm gonna be going jean shopping soon and I don't really know which of these two styles to get. I usually wear a low boot-cut jean, but my sister says I would look good in skinny jeans.

I'm 6'0, 170 lbs, and I'm mostly a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy.

What kind of jeans do you think would look best on me?





  1. the boot cut for sure

    please don't get the skinnies

  2. the second one.

    skinny jeans are dumb.

  3. levis are nice..........umm the skinny jeans have a real nice fit to it wrapping around the  ankle  boot cut are wide at the bottom

    i usually get more complements from girls on the skinny tho !

  4. the skinnies

    are long as there not too tight they look fine

  5. I definitley love when guys wear skinny jeans.

    Just make sure if you do, don't wear em to tight wear your friend downstairs can't breathe ;) Just a close enough fit. There so hot when you wear ethem with converse's =)

  6. unless youre scene,

    dont wear skinny jeans.

    (that rule is only for guys though.)

    end of story. :)

  7. Skinny jeans are hot on pretty much any guy. :)

  8. Skinny pants are alot better looking on guys..

    as long as you're not overweight.

  9. the skinnies

  10. the skinnies in dark wash

  11. boot cut.

    its gross when guys wear skinny jeans

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