
Should I use fencing or shrubs for privacy

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I have about a 10 foot in length open area that leads to my neighbors. Problems my neighbors use that area as a short cut to get to my other neighbors on the other, their dog is always running over in my area, finally, they are nosy so they also sit on the porch and stare when I am outside. It may not bother some people but it bothers me. I mentioned it in passing because i just want to get along but it doesn't do any good. I am thinking about a privacy screen either shrubs or fencing. Just need an idea of what type of fencing is best for around the driveway.




  1. buy some cheap fencing then get some climbing vines to seal the deal!

    owr "wonderful" neighbors put a fence and gate up and left it open, my husband went up there and screwed it shut, as we have dogs and it seems like they wanted our dogs to get loose, now they wont, but i am sure we will hear about it.

    they aare the type of neighbors that you dont want, a t*t-for-a-tat!

  2. Shrubs is better in many ways - aesthetic, greenery, less obvious, cheaper, etc.  But it may not be as functionally effective as a fence.  depends on your actual situation - but my preference would be shrubs./

  3. Well if they don't mine trapezing thru your yard at will then they will probably stomp down any shrubs that get in their way too.I would put up a stockade fence more pass thru and no more watching me.

  4. The house I am renting has a regular chain link fence between the yards, and on my side the landlord had put up like a thatch privacy fence on our side.  I believe you can get it at home improvement stores, it comes in a roll, and you just attach one end to a pole or existing fence and roll it down to the other side.  It is like thatch or thick straw, maybe even a very thin bamboo. You could put a pole in the ground every few feet, roll some of this aroun as a fence and use that until shrubbery could grow. That will give you time to research a good shrub for hedging in your area or zone.  If your neighbors see you rolling out the thatch privacy roll, you could just tell them you are going for the 'tiki' look in your yard. They will think your cucoo but you will know the truth!  

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