
Should I get a car for 16th birthday?

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Okay so here's the deal. For my 16th birthday, my parents are letting me get a car, I would still have to pay for half but still I would get a car. Ive always wanted a car basically since I was 5 and on but lately ive been seeing my options for schooling after highschool and a car just wouldnt fit in. In BC, Canada you can apply for your L (Learners) license at 16, and before you used to be able to get your N (New Driver) in 9 months, but now they have changed the rules and you have to wait about 2 years. So by the time I could actualy drive a car freely, I will be out of highschool. I couldnt really take it to univercity since parking is a monster price at like $500 per term, Gas is $1.50/Litre, and Insurance will probably be more than the car is worth. Plus if I pay for half, I will basically spend all of my money in the bank to get the kind of car I would like. Wasted money right? Yet, Im still not sure.




  1. seems like you answered your own question.  you have to way the pros and cons of having the car and that will tell you the answer.

  2. I understand that 'dream' of getting your first car.  It's a pretty poweful dream for people who really yearn for that.  ... But honestly, the deal with this first car scenario (as you outline here) pretty much sucks all the fun and 'up-side' out of the first-time car ownership.  You don't want to get this car because of your dream and then have it be nothing but a financial drain on you. ... Here's what I would suggest:  Talk with your parents.  Tell them that you really, really like the idea of getting a car at 16, but the reality of it doesn't meet your 'dream' of first time car ownership.  Ask them if the deal for them helping you pay for the car can be held until you graduate college.  I bet they'll give you a rain-check on it.  In the mean time, go ahead and get your L licence and at 18, get your N license.  Then, in the event that you need to rent or borrow a car to drive when you are 'legal' you can do so.  Once you have graduated college or are closer to that, you can look into what sort of car to get.  You'll be looking at 'real' employment and probably be able to afford more for your first car than if you rush into it now.  And if your parents argree to allow you a 'rain check' on the amount they will chip in on the car, then that's an even bigger plus!  ... Honestly, working your way through the requirements to get your license is more 'to the point' for now.  It's not like you are giving up your dream of having a car, you're simply delaying it so that it can actually be the dream you have held on to for so long!

    Good luck!

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