
Sableye <span title="any1??????????????????????????????">any1?????????????????????...</span> <span title="plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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i need sableye badly that the last pokemon i need to complete the pokedex any1 got it if u have then exilent ill be on till 5:30pm english time but will be on from 8:30pm english to about 12pm engilsh.

my fc is

charl 373788277010

ull be my hero if u can cheers

peace out

please come again!




  1. yay do the enters again  it will make people mad =)

  2. I have alot of Sableye. There not hard to obtain. But I need a certain pokemon from you. Because I am willing to give it up.

  3. I have a Sabelye if you want to trade :)

    OT: Kieran

    Friends code: 2921 9904 1290

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